Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2023
Article Page : 69-73
A successful endodontic treatment depends upon proper instrumentation and irrigation. Presence of severe curvatures along the length of the root affects the treatment outcome. Hence it is necessary to know the severity of the root canal curvature to select the instrument and instrumentation technique precisely. The different degree of curvatures can also lead to various iatrogenic errors like ledge formation, separation of instruments, perforation, and canal blockage or teardrop transportation at the apex, therefore reducing the success of the treatment. Hence managing these curvatures becomes an essential part of the treatment plan. This paper reviews determination of root canal curvatures and their management.
Keywords: Curvatures, Precurved files, Endodontic treatment, Root canal anatomy, Dilaceration
How to cite : Sahay S, Raj S, Nikhil V, Management of root canal curvatures and review. IP Indian J Conserv Endod 2023;8(2):69-73
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Received : 20-04-2023
Accepted : 06-05-2023
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