Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 1, Year : 2016
Article Page : 17-21
Aim: To evaluate influence of tooth brushing – mouth rinse cycling (TMC) on surface roughness of two resin composites (Nanohybrid-Z250 & Nanofilled-Z350).
Materials and Method: 80 disc shaped specimen of two composite resins ?Nanofilled – FiltekTM Z-350 XT(3M ESPE, U.S.A. Shade A2); Nanohybrid FiltekTM Z-250 XT(3M ESPE,U.S.A. Shade A2? were prepared (each-40) using teflon ring matrix & divided into 4 groups (n=10) according to mouthrinses to which they were subjected: Listerine(Alcoholic), Rexidine Plus (Alcohol free), Betadine Mint (Iodine) & Artificial saliva (control). Powered toothbrush mounted on standardized jig was used to deliver constant brushing strokes. Specimens were subjected to TMC for four weeks. Surface roughness was evaluated using a surface roughness tester.
Results: The result of the MANOVA (Statistical analysis) showed that the Nanofilled resin(Z-350) presented lower surface roughness than Nanohybrid (Z-250) (p<0.005) and two resin presented the higher roughness after immersion in the alcohol containing mouth rinses i.e. Listerine than Rexidine Plus and Betadine Mint (p<0.005).
1. Nanofilled resin presented the best behavior (lower surface roughness).
2. Alcohol containing mouth rinses can increase the roughness of the resin composite
How to cite : Wathore S M, Shenoi P R, Khode R T, Kubde R, Makade C, Sona S, Comparative evaluation of effect of tooth brushing – mouth rinse – cycling on surface roughness of nanofilled and nanohybrid composites – an in vitro study. IP Indian J Conserv Endod 2016;1(1):17-21
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