Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 1, Year : 2016
Article Page : 22-24
Aim: To evaluate and compare the cleaning efficacy of teeth instrumented with ProTaper Next and Silk File Systems.
Materials and Methods: Forty permanent mandibular premolar teeth with single canal were selected. ProTaper Next file system was used to prepare the root canals of group one comprising of twenty samples, and the Silk file system was used to shape the root canals of group two. After cleaning and shaping, the teeth were sectioned longitudinally. The debris score evaluation with a stereomicroscope (30 x magnifications) preceded the statistical analysis with ANOVA and Student-t tests.
Results: No statistically significant difference seen between the two experimental groups (Protaper Next and Silk) concerning the debris in the apical, middle and coronal thirds of root canals.
Conclusions: Rotary Systems (ProTaper next and Silk) showed acceptable cleaning ability in permanent Root Canals.
Keywords: Root canal preparation, debris, NiTi rotary file systems
How to cite : Chandrasekhar P, Shetty R U, Adlakha T, Shende S, Podar R, A comparison of two NiTi rotary systems, ProTaper Next and Silk for root canal cleaning ability (An in vitro study). IP Indian J Conserv Endod 2016;1(1):22-24
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