Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 1, Year : 2016
Article Page : 25-28
Most observed external root canal morphology of permanent maxillary second molar is with three roots and permanent mandibular second molar with two roots but variation like single root are observed. Occurrence of single rooted all four permanent second molars in same patient is a rare anatomic appearance and reported scarcely in literature. Reporting such findings contributes towards enhancing basic knowledge of tooth morphology, its variations and enhanced endodontic management.
Keywords: Aberrant anatomy, Permanent second molars, Single canal, Single root
How to cite : Gunwal M, Shenoi P, Dhote S, Sonarkar S, Atypical external root anatomy in permanent second molar: Case Report. IP Indian J Conserv Endod 2016;1(1):25-28
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