Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 2, Year : 2016
Article Page : 52-54
Fracture of anterior tooth occurs frequently in dentistry. Tooth reconstruction can be done by fragment reattachment and this procedure is known as “Biological Restoration.” Advances in restorative materials, placement techniques and preparation design help the clinician to restore fractured teeth. Using minimal invasive approach treatment of the maxillary anterior region can be completed effortlessly within a single appointment. This case report describes the successful outcome of a coronal tooth fracture that was treated using fibre posts for fragment reattachment.
Clinical Significance: Fragment reattachment of the tooth which is recently traumatize has many clinical significance.
1. Restores tooth function
2. Helps in achieving the esthetics
3. Conservative approach
4. Less time consuming when compared to other techniques of restoration like composite build up and ceramic restoration.
5. It is a cost effective treatment procedure
Keywords: Biological Restoration, Crown Lengthening, Diode Laser, Reattachment
How to cite : Purba R, Sonarkar S, Reattachment of the coronal fragment: The biological restoration. IP Indian J Conserv Endod 2016;1(2):52-54
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